
If you're new to dieting or have recently made lifestyle changes, tracking your weight is the easiest way to hold yourself accountable and to track your progress. But, stepping on the scale is traumatic for many people and it can lead to developing unhealthy habits. The latest fitness and...
Around the world restrictions regarding social distancing are easing up, but people are still required to wear face masks when leaving their houses. One of the issues with face masks is that you have to constantly adjust them and they become uncomfortable after wearing them for a long period...
During the coronavirus, many of us have been spending most of our time inside and we're doing whatever we can to get through the pandemic while staying healthy. There's been an increased focus on sleep, healthy eating, and exercise, but you're probably forgetting to add one important thing to...
Spring and summer are typically seasons in which we eat more sugar without being aware of it. Icecream here and cocktail there can quickly add up if you're not careful. Here's how to reduce the amount of sugar you're consuming. Make Ice Cream at Home It's as simple as making your...
Having a strong immune system is important to your health, especially during these coronavirus times. If you're looking for ways to boost your immune system and help fight off viruses, these are the four steps you should be taking. Get Good Sleep When you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely...
A healthy diet is more important than ever right now because it helps you keep your immune system in check, and here’s a couple of ways to improve yours in quarantine. Home-Cooked Meals There’s nothing quite like a home-cooked meal. You now have enough time on your hands to make as many...
There are so many places we can't visit right now, like bars, beaches, and concerts, but there's still one place we all need to go regularly: a grocery store. If you're afraid you'll catch the virus while shopping for food, here's how to stay safe. Go Early It's best to go...
If you want to have healthy and beautiful skin, you already know you should avoid the sun and UV rays, but is that enough? Spending hours in front of the computer and phone may also have a damaging effect on your skin thanks to the infamous blue light. How...
We're all familiar with food boosting your immune system and preventing you from getting sick. But, did you know that there are beverages that can also build your immune system? These are the five drinks to incorporate into your diet for a healthy immune system. Water We all know how important...
As cities are slowing down due to coronavirus pandemic, it's more important than ever to keep your health in check and stay at home. Here are the three ways you can make yourself feel better during these hard times. Do remember though that the best way to stay safe...

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