How to Shop Safely and Avoid Germs

Photo by nrd on Unsplash

There are so many places we can’t visit right now, like bars, beaches, and concerts, but there’s still one place we all need to go regularly: a grocery store. If you’re afraid you’ll catch the virus while shopping for food, here’s how to stay safe.

Go Early

It’s best to go early in the morning while everything is still clean and when there’s no crowd.

No Face Touching

You’ll be touching the cart, the door handles, and food packaging, so avoid touching your face at all costs, whether you’re wearing gloves or not.

Keep Distance

Make sure you’re staying at least 6 feet away from every other person in the store, even if it means taking your time and waiting for an aisle to clear so you can grab something you need.

Pay with Card

If possible, don’t pay with cash as germs can hold on to paper and metal. Use a card and disinfect it after every use.