
Just as we try a new health and wellness trend, a new one seems to emerge. With all of them that are out there, how do you know which are worth your time? We've taken a look at some of the most popular trends are narrowed it down to...
When was the last time you had a headache that was so terrible you had no choice but to lie in bed and wait for it to be over? We've all had terrible migraines and headaches and when we have them we usually just wait them out. It turns...
The older you get, the slower your metabolism gets. But, did you know that there are also daily habits that can destroy your metabolism? If you want to improve your metabolism and for your energy levels to increase, cut out these five bad habits. Skipping Breakfast There's a reason they say...
Over the past couple of years, you’ve probably heard a lot about meditation and the positive impact that this practice can have on our mental health. However, many people are very skeptical and they’re still having doubts about this very old practice. That’s why we’re revealing a few of...
Not only does water keep you hydrated, but it also's great for your skin, relieves headaches, and gives you energy. Remembering to actually drink water throughout the day is challenging and how much should you be consuming? It actually depends on a few factors like gender, weight, age, and...
Quarantine fatigue is real and many of us around the world are experiencing it. It's characterized by feeling isolated, social disconnected, and missing your routine. There are physical symptoms like fatigue, loss of energy, and sleep disturbances as well as emotional symptoms like anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, and...
There's been a ton of research regarding the health benefits of drinking a glass of red wine a day and if you need more of an excuse to uncork a bottle, these are the reasons you should enjoy a cup of wine. Protects Your Heart Drinking red wine has been shown...
Have you noticed that during the warmer months you have a harder time falling and staying asleep than in the winter? Falling asleep when it starts to get hot outside and the sun sets later is more difficult. If you're curious as to why that is and want to...
Whether you're aware of it or not, you probably touch your face a lot. During the coronavirus, it's important to not touch your face, specifically your eyes, nose, and mouth, to keep you healthy and prevent spreading germs. These tips and tricks will help you stop touching your face. Don't...
While social distancing, you may have noticed that you've been gaining weight. You should know that this is perfectly normal, as our way of life has totally changed during the coronavirus. Perhaps you've been a bit lax with your eating choices or stress eating. If you want to make...

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