
With the first rays of sunshine in the spring, many of us reach for the SPF cream that will protect our skin. But is a higher SPF always the best option? What about SPF 100 cream — is it better for you than SPF 50 or 30? SPF (sun protection...
In the midst of the coronavirus outbreak, it is now more crucial than ever to look after your mental health. Here are some things you can do to feel better and take care of your mental health right now. Mute social media A wave of misinformation and fake news is flooding social...
This winter hit us hard by turning the regular flu season into a serious pandemic. We all have to be extra careful now and do everything we can to prevent further spreading of the Coronavirus. If you get sick, here are some of the most important surfaces you need to...
When starting a fitness journey, making sense of all the information that's out there can get quite confusing—there are so many conflicting things available on the internet. Should you go keto, is avoiding dairy products a good idea, how many times should you workout a week? These are just...
Running as an intense workout that can be pretty tough on your body, which is why a healthy diet is extremely important for every runner. It will help you boost your performance, recover after a long run, and reduce the risk of injuries. These are some of the best...
According to plenty of doctors and nutritionists all over the world, probiotics are the key to a healthy, happy life. Taking probiotic supplements or eating more probiotic-rich foods can lead to amazing results in your body and mind. Here are a few of the amazing benefits you can get...
Low humidity in our homes can become a real issue and lead to ashy skin, allergies or cold. Buying a good humidifier is one of the ways to solve this problem, although they can be pretty pricey. If you want to humidify the air in your home naturally, read...
Cold weather is perfect for cozying up with a warm mug of tea, so make sure you do this as often as you can before the season is over! We're always up for some tea, but if you need more reasons to drink it, here they are. It Helps Ease...
We all know the feeling: the freezing winter months approach, and we feel ourselves getting a little sniffle. Unfortunately, that slight congestion can quickly transform into a full-blown cold. Here are some natural tips to help fight the cold before it even starts. Nap Time Getting enough sleep is crucial if...
The road to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can be pretty hard and overwhelming and many people fail to see the results from their diet in spite of month-long efforts. Here are a few rules to follow on your path to healthy eating. Forget about processed foods Processed foods might...

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