Self Improvement

Once you go vegan, you might start to notice that your life is shifting more towards minimalism for many reasons. One is that as a consumer, you start to think about whether products are vegan and cruelty free, which is sometimes hard to come by. But even if you're...
In many cases, moving in together seems like a logical next step, but you might still want to give it some thought before you actually do it. To be certain that you're 100% ready to move in with your partner, make sure you check these three boxes. Doing Housework Dishes aren't...
How many times have you juggled several pots and pans at once while making dinner, only to make a huge mess that takes you more time to clean than it took you to cook everything? If this frustrates you, here are our best tips on how to cook without...
As we grow up, some things tend to surprise and disappoint us, but we eventually realize that most negative things we had to face were actually lessons that made us understand life a little better. Remember the things that worried you five or ten years ago - do they...
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Few people love being told about their flaws. But if you think about it, understanding the areas you are not good at and working on them is what makes you a better person. Stop ignoring your shortcomings and learn how to improve yourself by...
Dr. Michael Mosley has released a brand new book "The Fast 800" and digital program to help you achieve your health and wellness goals in 2019. “Whether you have a lot of weight to lose rapidly, or your health goals are to lose a little, get fitter and supercharge your...
You’ve probably heard it before—self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. But no matter how many times it is said, most of us tend to indulge in everything else apart from self-care. Whether it’s doing everyday house chores, work duties or volunteer services, you probably do a lot of work every day....
We all have good and bad habits, and most of us want to improve our lives by fixing the "bad" things in our behavior. You may be surprised that some habits that are famously considered bad can actually be good for you in one way or the other. Below...
If you feel down, stressed and nostalgic about the good old days, you probably deserve some self-care. You could listen to music, visit a friend or stay at home and binge-watch your favorite show. But if you want to burn off the negative energy and lift up your spirits quickly,...
Everyone wants to be great at cooking. It's not only an impressive skill to have, but it's also very practical and useful. However, some people are just not born with the inherent skills that make for a great cook. Nonetheless, you don't have to be born with natural skill...

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