How to Cook Without Making a Mess

Photo: chefkeem/Pixabay

How many times have you juggled several pots and pans at once while making dinner, only to make a huge mess that takes you more time to clean than it took you to cook everything? If this frustrates you, here are our best tips on how to cook without making a huge mess.

Read the Recipe Upfront

Don’t just start making a dish after reading just step one. Make sure you read everything thoroughly first – you may need to have something ready before the other thing in order to have control over the cooking process.

Start with a Clean Kitchen

Make sure all the dishes are washed and all the appliances you don’t need right now are put away.

Get All the Ingredients in Front of You

You don’t need to pour everything into fancy little bowls like they do on the cooking shows, just make sure that everything is in front of you, ready for you to use it.

Ask for Help

You don’t have to do everything yourself! Your partner or child can clean the dishes as you go and you can have a great time making food together!