3 Things to Know Before You Move in with Your Boyfriend

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

In many cases, moving in together seems like a logical next step, but you might still want to give it some thought before you actually do it. To be certain that you’re 100% ready to move in with your partner, make sure you check these three boxes.


Doing Housework

Dishes aren’t going to do themselves and, if you don’t figure out a schedule that works for both of you, chances are that things like this will only make you fight. This is so much easier if you both have similar cleanliness standards.


Money Talk

You want to have the money talk upfront and decide whether you’ll split everything in half, create a mutual budget for things like rent, bills, and food, or figure out some other arrangement.


Marriage Talk

Why are you moving in together? Are you just testing your relationship for the future? Do you even want to get married down the road? You need to be on the same page on this issue.
