5 Self Care Tips That Could Make 2019 a Better Year for You

Photo by Leighann Renee on Unsplash

You’ve probably heard it before—self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. But no matter how many times it is said, most of us tend to indulge in everything else apart from self-care.

Whether it’s doing everyday house chores, work duties or volunteer services, you probably do a lot of work every day. In 2019, think differently. Invest some time taking care of yourself. Not the usual manicure, massages or TV.

 Adopt a routine that cultivates peace and a sense of wellbeing by doing the following.

Take a Vacation

If you didn’t travel a lot in 2018, make it your point to visit somewhere new in 2019. It doesn’t have to be far. Think of the best place you can visit in your city, state or country. If you can afford it, book a trip overseas. You’ll live to remember it.

Learn to accept what you Can’t Change

When personal struggles seem to overwhelm you, always remember that you are not your circumstance. You can only change what you have power over. If you can’t change something, like someone’s hate for you, move on.

Appreciate what you have

First things first, appreciate everything that you are. Appreciate your beauty, your talents and your life. Work hard for everything you dream of. But always take a step back to appreciate what you earn or granted in life.

Do What Makes you Happy

Listen to your favorite songs if you love music. Watch TV once in a while and read books whether you love them or not. Take a dance class or join a yoga class. Whatever makes you happy in life, do it every time you have the chance.

Enjoy Life

In the words of Steve Jobs, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Know your dreams and go for them. Think independently and enjoy your life.