Food & Drinks

These super delicious and creamy avocado pancakes are a perfect treat for every avocado lover. They’re packed with blueberries and so fluffy, yet very easy to prepare for breakfast even if you are running late— it’ll take you less than 15 minutes. Check out this easy recipe for avocado pancakes...
You know those days when you forget or don't have time to prepare food in advance, you don't bring anything to work, and then come home tired and just grab something quick in the kitchen. At the end of the day, you're tired, you feel like you did not...
Isn’t it annoying to be unable to scrape out Nutella out of the jar when there’s only a little bit left? Next time you finish a jar of your favorite spread, use these three tips to get the most out of the remaining content. Make a Beverage Simply add milk (dairy...
Fridges are one of the peskiest appliances to clean. You think you have done a good cleaning and then out of the blue, something in the bottom right drawer starts to stink out the rest of the fridge and you have to take everything out to clean it. If you...
Sue Reddel and Diana Laskaris launched Food Travelist with the aim to connect food travelers with the best food and travel experiences in the world. Scouring the globe, with their tastebuds first, the two seek out the best places to eat and drink, making it easy for you to...
Edible flowers are taking the culinary world by storm, and if you still haven’t fallen in love with them, it’s only because you’ve never heard of Loria Stern. Stern is a chef and caterer who prides herself in using local, seasonal, and highest quality ingredients in all of her...
Summer will be over soon, so use its last days to make this delicious peach galette. Galette is a French word for flat crusty cakes that can be filled with anything you want, and this peach version by food blogger Sarah Brunella is one of our all-time favorites. Here’s...
There are so many things we love about fall and if we had to think of a few, they'd be all the amazing seasonal foods that come along this time of year. What's even better about these foods is that they'll keep you healthy all season long as they're...
Fall is pumpkin season and we couldn't be more excited to throw on our cozy sweaters and snuggle in blankets by the fire. We're here for anything pumpkin and these pumpkin spice muffins are giving us all the fall feelings. They're perfect for a quick breakfast or a pick-me-up...
Eating a nutritious, balanced breakfast in the morning is a great way to start your day, but not all of us have time to prepare meals first thing in the morning. These three savory breakfasts use things you already have in your kitchen and they are ready within minutes....

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