Tag: hobby

There’s something about making something with your own hands that just makes it all the more satisfying. If this sounds like something you agree with, crocheting might just be the new hobby you’ve been looking for! Crocheting is a type of needlecraft that is similar to knitting—however, the skill...
Knitting is a classic pastime, and it's not just for grandmas anymore. (Okay, it never really was.) The truth is that knitting is a great hobby for many reasons. It's relaxing. It produces something useful. It's creative. And it lets you make lots and lots of cool gifts for...
One thing that many of us realized in 2020 is just how much free time we can have when we take away going out, commuting, and socializing from our daily schedules. Suddenly, we have hours to fill, and we're realizing the immense value of hobbies. If you're still looking...
Have you always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument but don't know where to start? The ukulele might just be the instrument for you. First, it's one of the easier instruments to learn. Compared to the guitar's six, the ukulele only has four strings, making it much...
There’s never been a better time to start a new hobby than now. If you’re still stuck in lockdown or you simply work from home and have found yourself with some extra free time on your hands, it’s much better to pick up a hobby than to spend it...
We live in a time where staying busy and hustling are often valued more than personal time and time to rest. While we all can agree that money is important and can get us so many amazing things, not everything in life should be about money, and this is...
Do you enjoy playing video games? If you happen to be isolated at home right now, it might be a great time to revisit this fun hobby. Here are three of our favorite games that will calm you down and let you forget about the real world for a...
We either lack free time or spend it on social media, which brings us more anxiety. If you want to try some new and relaxing activities in rare moments of spare time instead of mindlessly browsing your phone, here are our top three suggestions. Jigsaw Puzzles Sit back and relax while...
Was one your New Year's resolutions to take up a new hobby? In our busy lives, which seem to be filled with work obligations and taking care of our families, it's important to do something we love doing. Many of us think that hobbies are a waste of time...
Embroidery is probably not the most popular hobby among the younger generations, but maybe that’s because many of us are not aware of the beauty of this interesting craft. This is going to change for sure, once we analyze the amazing artwork of Victoria Rose Richards. Richards is a young thread...

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