Young Artist Creates Amazing Landscape Embroidery

Embroidery is probably not the most popular hobby among the younger generations, but maybe that’s because many of us are not aware of the beauty of this interesting craft. This is going to change for sure, once we analyze the amazing artwork of Victoria Rose Richards.

Richards is a young thread artist who paints colorful landscapes and rural areas on her embroidered aerial paintings. Her art features mystical forests, colorful fields of flowers and sunset and all of them are inspired by nature.

“In living in a rural area with woods, fields, and rivers, and even near the ocean, I often take inspiration from the abundance of nature around. I especially enjoy doing coastal and ocean landscapes,” the artist said in an interview with Colossal.

Richards was interested in different art forms over the years but she took up embroidery as a student and completely fell in love with it. What began as a hobby that relaxed her in free time is now a big part of her life.

Check out her Instagram page to see her impressive art and who knows – maybe you fall in love with embroidery too.