Tag: food

If you've been working out for a while, you've probably thought about if you should eat prior to exercising. This question is especially relevant when working out in the morning on an empty stomach. Some of us swear by getting some much-needed calories in our bodies before hitting the...
You know you should eat more vegetables, but you’re just not that person. If you eat a veggie every now and then just so you could say you do but you don’t really enjoy them, know that you can easily change that. Here’s what we recommend everyone who wants...
Have you noticed that your food shopping expenses have been increasing since the pandemic started? Supermarkets have been charging more for produce and meat, and eating healthily has become harder if we want to keep costs down. But, there are ways to still eat healthily and stay in budget....
If you're a fan of all things cooking, chances are you've come across an Alison Roman recipe. A columnist for the New York Times cooking section, and with two of her recipes actually breaking the internet (the first for cookies, the second for stew), Roman has made her mark...
IKEA is known for its great and affordable furniture and home decor items, but many customers would agree that their favorite thing in the whole store is the Swedish meatballs served in their restaurant. No IKEA shopping is complete without getting some delicious food when you’re done. According to...
How frustrating is it to bring home a big, heavy watermelon in the hope to have a delicious fruit snack, only to realize you've picked a bad one? Next time you go watermelon shopping, use our tips to pick the perfect one so you'll never be disappointed when you...
It might take quite a while before we return to business as usual, but this doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves in the meanwhile (responsibly, that is). Chef and author Signe Johansen has mastered the art of the cocktail over the years. So much so, that she's dedicated a...
Feeling down? Did you know that the foods you eat can affect your physical and mental health? Before you try anything else, give one of these great foods a try and see if it makes it better. Oatmeal with Blueberries and Nuts If you're in a need for delicious and filling...
You don't need special tools to make your own dried banana chips. You can do it in the oven by following the steps we provided below! Banana chips are a healthy and delicious snack that you can make at home. The trick is in using the low temperature in the...
In dire need of some food inspo? We recommend following Frankie Unsworth's Instagram page. Our latest Insta crush, Unsworth works in arguably the best job—food and props styling. Which means she's constantly surrounded but beautiful and, more importantly scrumptious, dishes. Based in London, Unsworth's job title also means she...

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