These Dried Banana Chips Are the Perfect Snack

Image by bhofack2/Depositphotos

You don’t need special tools to make your own dried banana chips. You can do it in the oven by following the steps we provided below!

Banana chips are a healthy and delicious snack that you can make at home. The trick is in using the low temperature in the oven so they don’t over bake. Pick ripe, but not too ripe bananas and cut them into even slices (1/4 to 3/8 inch thick).


  1. Preheat the oven to its lowest temperature setting, ideally below 200F or 100C.
  2. Lay the banana slices on the baking shit that you lined with parchment paper. Don’t let the slices touch each other and only go one layer at a time.
  3. Let them dry in the oven for 8-12 hours. You can open the oven door slightly for better circulation.
  4. Once they’re done, let them cool completely then transfer in a glass jar for storage.

They make a perfect snack and can be stored in a jar with a lid for days! Have you tried making your own dehydrated banana chips?