Tag: food

Now that we're all supposed to sit at home and cook our own meals instead of eating out, many people rely on delivery services to take a break from all the cooking and cleaning. You can absolutely continue ordering food during these hard times, you just have to be...
Changing your diet is one of the things you should consider doing if you’re having trouble falling asleep at night. Some of these foods contain substances that help promote sleep, so make sure you include them in your diet to get your beauty sleep. Walnuts Walnuts are packed with tryptophan, an...
Finding time to prepare a healthy and tasty homemade meal on a daily basis can often turn into a real challenge. Instead of giving up on cooking, we suggest you adopt these easy hacks that will help you cut your cooking time in half. Slow Cook It's true that a slow cooker will need...
If one of your New Year's resolutions was to eat healthier and you still haven't made any progress by the middle of March, you definitely need a few easy tips to make the process easier. Here are three simple rules you can follow if you want to start eating...
“Healthy” is usually not the adjective you're looking for when talking about tasty desserts. Contrary to popular beliefs, there is a way to satisfy your sweet tooth even if you're trying to stick to a healthy diet. These are some of the most delicious desserts you didn't know were healthy.   Chocolate Lava Cake This...
This Italian Egg Bake, published by Cotter Crunch, is a fabulous low carb dish that can be used for a healthy brunch, breakfast or when you fancy eggs for dinner. It is cooked in a tomato sauce, filled with cheese and fresh vegetables and finished with Italian seasoning. What...
Protein is one of the key components for getting the best out of your workouts. It helps repair your muscles after exercise and gets them prepared for the next time you workout. Depending on your weight and how intense your workout is, you need to consume around 82-130g of...
Fresh herbs seem to go bad really quickly so we researched the best ways to keep them in our pantry longer. Doing these things will help you get more out of your fresh herbs and prevent food waste, so let's get to work. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9O-eqHpsOk/ Soft or Hard Herbs? Herbs can generally be...
Whether you put mayo on everything or the very thought of it makes you cringe, this “sheet-like condiment” is sure to make heads turn. On February 20, Bourbon, a Japanese snack company, announced that their “Mayonnaise Sheets” will hit the shelves on March 2. This shocking news sparked mixed reactions...
Kim Kardashian West at the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party
The star recently revealed that she tries her best to follow a “mostly plant-based” diet. However, just like the best of us, she has a few cheat days every now and again. Here are her go-to snacks when she really feels like treating herself. Cheetos Kim once revealed on twitter, “I...

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