Food & Drinks

It's inevitable that summer is coming, and with that, unbearable heat. However, there are so many activities to do outside and you don't want to miss out just because you feel overheated. Eat and drink these foods to keep cool and carry on. Mint Mint or peppermint both have properties that...
If you struggle to find time to eat as a family, read on. It turns out that research shows that eating together at least 3 times a week can have major benefits for your children. Better academic performance According to Harvard Medical School, chatting while eating together increases children’s vocabulary by...
When you’re trying to eat better, you try to choose food that seems healthier. But not all ‘health’ foods are actually that. In fact, some of them are downright bad for you. Here are a few things you should stay away from, or at least limit. Margarine Most kinds of margarine...
No matter how many sit-ups you do, or how many crunches, do you still have a less than flat tummy? Well, we have a few changes you can make to your diet to help you get a trimmer tum. Avoid these Partially hydrogenated (trans) fat is a health no-no and encourages...
Whether you think water is disgusting without flavoring it or you're looking to play around with different ingredients, infusing liquids is a fun way to change up your routine and surprise your taste buds. Follow these recipes below and you'll become the master of infusions. Oil Flavored oil is so delicious...
Sugar is not just in cakes and cookies anymore. These days, companies are putting sugar in so many products it's hard to keep track. Here is a list of foods to look out for if you're avoiding sugar or trying to stay fit. Canned Vegetables and Fruits Some vegetables and most...
If you have a soy allergy or simply don't like to take risks with soy, it can be a little more difficult to find sufficient meat substitutes. However, there is a way make soy-free tofu at home with only a few ingredients! This tofu is super versatile, very springy,...
Spices are vital to making dishes sing. All cuisines have some sort of spice blend that brings out the key flavors of the ingredients, and you can mostly buy whatever you need already prepared in a jar at the supermarket. However, these blends are not guaranteed to be fresh,...
We’re bombarded with scientific findings all the time. One day butter’s supposed to be good for you, and the next it’s a killer. And one-day coconut oil is a healthy fat, and the next day it’s not. So, maybe we have started to take some of these ‘findings’ with a...
Planting certain vegetables in spring will give you a season-long supply of healthy additions to your favorite meals. They add color to your garden as it slowly awakes from its winter slumber. Lettuce Lettuce may need some cover to protect it during the early days of spring, but it can grow...

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