Food & Drinks

Although women’s dietary needs are pretty similar to those of men, we do have a few hormones to contend with, especially during menopause. Apart from going for check-ups and exercising, the food you eat is crucial for health. Here are some foods that experts recommend for women in particular. Flaxseeds Flaxseeds...
The heart is one of the most important organs of the body. Because of this, it requires a lot of care to the right diet is essential in keeping the heart healthy. Here is some heart-healthy snack for you to try: Oats Oat bran and oatmeal aren't just for breakfast anymore....
There’s really nothing wrong with using a boxed cake mix, but you can take your cakes up a notch with a few helpful tips from the experts. Use soda For a truly unique flavor that will have your family and friends guessing, combine dry cake mix with a 12-ounce can of...
Whether you’re having a large family gathering or simply a dinner outside with friends, setting the mood is essential, and summer is the perfect time to do it outside. Instead of just putting food down on a table or a blanket on the ground, make your dining experience special...
It can be argued that it is much more fun to host a party at home than going to a bar. Of course, you need to equip yourself with some formidable tools in order to make the party a really wild one. Bar tools are something every household should own...
You might think that if you are eating salad, then you are doing it the healthy way. Unfortunately, we have grown so accustomed to unhealthy treats, we don’t even recognize them as being bad. So if you want to lose a couple of pounds, you might want to steer clear...
The trusty microwave has been around for a while now and we have grown to love and depend on how easy it makes our lives. Whether you want to heat up a meal, or some leftovers or if you want to pop some popcorn, the microwave has been our...
Many people take gum to chew on a plane, not realizing that chewing too much gum can cause gas and bloating. When you chew gum, you tend to swallow air. If your gum contains artificial sweeteners, chewing too much of it may hurt your stomach. Drinking alcohol is not a good...
Spring is in the air and it's time to enjoy outdoor picnics and other activities related to the season. One such activity is a fun and refreshing spring picnic. Read on to learn how to throw the perfect spring picnic! Enjoy the weather You'll know that it's time to start having...
If you suffer from chronic bloating or abdominal pain, you might also have heard about the low FODMAP diet. But what is it, and should you try it? The FODMAP diet was developed in Australia to deal with the symptoms of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). The strategy it uses is...

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