
Practicing yoga everywhere
Yoga is a great way to stay in shape by toning your flexibility and strength. However, its focus on breathing and listening to your body also makes it an amazing tool for centering yourself when you feel tense or tired. We can't always control where we are when we...
Running in summer
If running happens to be your go-to workout, you’ll be struggling to stay consistent with your usual schedule this summer. Hot temperatures make this routine extra challenging, but there are things you can do to make running more bearable—even in the summer heat. Stay Hydrated Staying hydrated can be a struggle...
The color yellow is currently taking over every aspect of our life, and our workouts won’t be immune to its charm. Workout clothes in different shades of yellow are showing up everywhere, and some of our favorite Hollywood stars already gave this trend their seal of approval. Liza Koshy Koshy recently...
Sustainable fitness routine
People are becoming more aware of environmental issues and trying to make some lifestyle changes in order to help our planet. One of the ways you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle is to change your fitness routine with these easy eco-friendly habits. Reusable Water Bottles The first, and the easiest,...
Stand up paddleboarding
If watersports happen to be your favorite summer pastime, how about trying something this year? Stand Up paddleboarding aka SUP is taking the world by storm right now, and you should give it a shot for more reasons than one. Amazing Workout Standup paddleboarding will give you the full-body workout that...
How to maintain shape
Staying in good shape is sometimes easier than we think, and it’s usually about building healthy lifestyle habits. Here are some important things healthy people do to stay in shape. No Diet Diets are usually about restricting certain food groups in order to lose weight, and that’s exactly why fit people...
Workout videos for summer
Summer is only a few weeks away, and the popular phrase “hot girl summer” is already impossible to escape. It even inspired many of YouTube’s top fitness influencers to record workout videos that will help you get in shape this summer, and here are a few you should check...
Things to know before quitting workout
We’ve all experienced all sorts of setbacks in our fitness routine, so thinking about giving up on exercise is totally normal. Here are, however, just a few things to keep in mind before you make this decision. The Confidence Let’s be honest, most people are working out in order to look...
Woman stepping on a scale
Anyone that's made healthy changes to their lifestyle has gone through a plateau and when it happens it can be really discouraging. You've started exercising and eating healthier, but all of a sudden you're not noticing any changes. It's really frustrating, but it's part of the journey. Here's how...
Dance lesson
Dance cardio channels are booming on YouTube right now, and the masterminds behind them tend to find inspiration in the most unusual of places. Workout videos to the beat of Disney songs are popping up everywhere, and these are the best channels on YouTube to look for them. That Disney...

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