Tag: work

Starting a new job is both exciting and daunting. Having to learn about the company and how to complete your duties while also getting to know your managers and team is exhausting and challenging. Here are some helpful pieces of advice to make this easier. Take Notes When Possible Starting a...
Back to the office
Now that many people are working from an office again, and it's ok to take holidays and travel, we remember that getting back to work after a summer holiday is hard. You’re in the office while your mind is still on the beach, but the longer you put off...
Productivity is often seen as something we should all strive for but it's easy to start feeling like you need to be productive at every moment of every day. We live in a society that puts a lot of value on being productive and working a lot and we...
Working from home seemed like an amazing idea at first, but after months spent exclusively at our home offices without any contact with coworkers, it’s starting to feel less romantic. However, there are some small changes you can make to your home workplace that will make you feel better...
Feeling like an imposter is something many of us have experienced. It’s most common in the professional world, when you start feeling like you don’t belong at a certain place and that somebody will realize you’re “faking it” pretty soon. Of course, we realize that this feeling doesn’t represent...
We all know that sitting and working at a computer all day isn't exactly the healthiest thing you can do. For that reason, people do all sorts of various things to try to counteract the negative impacts of desk work, ranging from desk yoga to standing desks to walking...
If you've recognized yourself in the title, you know exactly what we're talking about. Working from home sounds like a dream until you actually get to do it, then you see all the downsides of this type of work arrangement. One trap that most people fall into is overworking...
When you're young and ambitious, there are many things you think your life will include once you get successful. Most of them are material possessions that you don't actually need but that are status symbols in a way—an easy way to show everyone that you achieved what you wanted. But...
Your lunch break is a unique opportunity to get some rest during work hours and it's something you should never skip, no matter how busy you are. Many people use their lunch breaks to catch up with work, finish some private things, or scroll through social media, but that...
We live in a time where staying busy and hustling are often valued more than personal time and time to rest. While we all can agree that money is important and can get us so many amazing things, not everything in life should be about money, and this is...

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