Tag: Wellbeing

We all have some bad habits we should break, but perhaps it’s time to start focusing on the other side of the medal and start building some positive habits. After all, it may be easier for you to stop some of the bad habits if you have good habits...
Spending time alone is sometimes the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. It gives you a chance to do whatever you want without having to compromise and it's something everyone should allow themselves. Here are three benefits that come from alone time. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5qOPcch67U/ You'll Be More Peaceful It's difficult to find...
If we told you that social media can be the death of your self-esteem and mental health, we wouldn’t really be telling you anything new. By now, we all know that often checking on the highlights of other people’s lives, whether our friends or celebrities, can make us feel...
The holidays can bring either joy or depression; there seems to be nothing in the middle. If you’re among people who feel down once the winter and the holidays start, here are some tips to help you improve your mood. There are many small things you can do that...
Staying busy is often interpreted as a desirable behavior. After all, shouldn’t you spend most of your time “grinding,” and being productive? But, while work is a crucial part of most people’s lives, it definitely shouldn’t be the only thing in it. Taking some time to rest is important...
Holidays are coming and it’s time to think about the year that’s passing and everything we have to be grateful for. But life is often less than great and it can be difficult to focus on the good things, so you need to intentionally decide to be grateful for...
Mental health is just as important as physical health. If you don’t feel well, the best thing you can do is to consult a specialist. However, there are easy things you can do on a daily basis that will help improve your mental health in no time. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0THfm1l00U/ Go Out More Spending...
We all want to be happy, but happiness is different for every one of us. We often believe that we need to do more and be more in order to be happy, but sometimes it's all about what we need to let go. Here are those things. Judging Yourself and...
As we grow up, some things tend to surprise and disappoint us, but we eventually realize that most negative things we had to face were actually lessons that made us understand life a little better. Remember the things that worried you five or ten years ago - do they...
We all have good and bad habits, and most of us want to improve our lives by fixing the "bad" things in our behavior. You may be surprised that some habits that are famously considered bad can actually be good for you in one way or the other. Below...

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