Food & Drinks

Latkes are hands-down one of our favorite holiday foods. Crispy and golden, they can be topped with almost anything. Whether you’re going for classics like sour cream and salmon, or applesauce, the beauty of Hanukkah is that it lasts eight days and you can have a different topping each...
Usually, when people talk about baking, it's often referred to as an exact science, with only certain measurements and ingredients allowed. This is a common misconception, and food and bakery scientist, Elana of the food blog, LaniBakes, is proving it wrong. She bakes from scratch and creates incredible combinations...
First came avocado toast, then came peaches and cream on toast, and now you can basically put anything on your toast and call it a trend. Of course, you will want to make them Instagram-worthy and impress your partner, so here are three toast ideas to make breakfast a...
Cinnamon is one of the many staples in every home and it's popular in many dishes from desserts to pumpkin spice lattes. While it is most commonly used for its deliciousness, many forget about its health benefits. Here are five benefits of cinnamon you may have not known. Loaded With...
Chicken soup
Nothing is better than Grandma's chicken soup on winter days. And if you're looking for one just like you remember from your childhood, this one will do the trick. It's hearty, quick, easy, and budget-friendly. View this post on Instagram ...
Christmas drinks
December is here, which means holiday cocktails need to be created and drunk. Whether you are inviting the girls around for a fun evening in or planning a huge holiday party, these Christmas cocktails are a must on every occasion. All you need is a bar full of...
Green smoothie
Searching for the perfect breakfast to get you feeling ready to take on the day? Look no further than this energizing breakfast smoothie. Packed with fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients, this supercharged smoothie will keep you feeling full and satisfied until lunchtime! Oats are a fantastic source of slow-release...
Smoothie bowl
While scrolling through Instagram, it's hard not to come across pictures of smoothie bowls. This healthy breakfast treat is a step up from regular smoothies because its thicker texture allows you to savor it and you can add your favorite toppings! Creating your very own Instagram-worthy smoothie bowl is...
Overnight oats
Meal planning does not have to be hard, but the word meal planning puts so many people in a stress that they don’t even bother trying. Actually, it's amazing and it can help you to be more organized and stop you from cooking every single night. It shouldn’t take...
Air fryer
Air fryers are having a moment, and more and more people are getting in on the trend. It's no longer about making the simple foods you normally make in the oven—people are getting inventive and these dishes will help you to start making more interesting meals. Here are four...

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