Tag: stress

There’s truly nothing better than a great scalp massage. It’s one of those sensory things that truly feels so good, and there are great benefits to incorporating scalp massages into your daily routine. We highly recommend you pick one of those silicone scalp massagers up at your local drug...
Essential oils
If you suffer from stress and anxiety it can start to have an effect on your mind and also your body. There are so many ways to cope with long-term anxiety, with therapy or medications, but on a day-to-day basis having a calming routine can really help you. Essential...
Food to destress
We know that stress is the cause of numerous health problems, but what causes stress? Apart from obvious factors like the number of things you're handling and the responsibilities you have in life, the food you're eating can also impact the stress levels. Here are three foods that will...
Our home should be a stress-free zone where we can relax and enjoy, but that’s hardly going to happen if we don’t keep it clean and organized. Here are some common things that you may not notice are stressing you out. Clutter Even if we’re not aware of it, studies suggest...
Working out should be a source of good vibes in your life, but things don’t really work that way for everyone. If you notice that your fitness routine is constantly leaving you stressed out, it’s time to switch things up and change your mindset by taking these three important...
Life is stressful, and even if it weren’t before, we believe this year got to most of you. Work, relationships, home life, and now the pandemic is affecting your life whether you notice it or not, but some level of stress is to be expected in adulthood. It’s not...
If you've been feeling stressed lately, it may not come as a surprise to learn that millions of people around the world share the same feeling. The pandemic, social distancing, keeping your job, and managing money are good enough reasons to feel out of your usual zone and food...
Scrolling through social media for endless hours is not a new thing, but it seems like it's got really out of our hands during this pandemic. It’s one thing to stay informed and another to not be able to get out of an endless cycle of COVID-19 updates and...
Staying healthy and keeping your immunity in check is crucial in times like these. The whole world is currently affected by the coronavirus outbreak and many countries are enforcing people to stay home and help prevent the spreading of the virus. Here's what you can do every day to...
We're all used to hearing how stress is bad and that it can seriously impact our health and wellbeing for the worse, but there are situations when stress can actually be good for you. https://www.instagram.com/p/B57iMiugXe0/ Eustress is the term used to describe positive stress that can benefit you in numerous...

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