3 Foods That Will Help You Fight Stress

Food to destress
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

We know that stress is the cause of numerous health problems, but what causes stress? Apart from obvious factors like the number of things you’re handling and the responsibilities you have in life, the food you’re eating can also impact the stress levels. Here are three foods that will help you fight it.


Fruits, especially those rich in antioxidants like berries, will help your gut and make your cortisol levels lower. This will, in turn, lift your mood and keep you energized throughout the day.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is a great choice for when you’re feeling stressed as it contains polyphenols—again, antioxidants. But don’t cheat and get milk chocolate, as it won’t have the same effect. Aim for 70% cocoa or more.

Eggs and Nuts

Eggs, nuts, and also turkey meat all help your body make serotonin, one of the happiness hormones. It’s difficult to feel stressed and happy at the same time, so your body will start releasing stress after you eat these foods.