Tag: food

If you enjoy being creative in the kitchen and making delicious meals for your loved ones, you’re going to love these tips. Peeling Garlic Not many people know about this trick, but it can come in handy whenever you need to peel some garlic. Put it in the microwave and...
Vitamin B12 is one of the most essential vitamins to have in check. It controls everything from memory to fatigue and is all too common for non-meat eaters to have a lack of it because of diet. B12 is something that is not naturally found in many ingredients aside...
Berlin is an awesome city to visit. From the architecture to the happening arts and music scene, the city has so much to offer. In terms of food, some of the best and most unique dishes and drinks are found here. If you visit, here is a must-eat list...
Proper skin care should make you look young and vital and slow down the signs of aging. Skincare doesn't begin with what you put on your skin, but with what you eat. There are some foods rich with collagen that can improve your overall look if you consume them...
The low-carb diet is a great way to lose some weight and be much healthier. You might need to give up foods that you love so much but it will be worth it. The whole point is to reduce the intake of carbs and lean on healthy fats and...
Food and passion go hand in hand. There’s something passionate about cooking and enjoying food, and books about food and romance can be nearly as enjoyable. The books below are perfect for a relaxed night at home or a peaceful day on the beach - whatever you prefer, as long...
High cholesterol is one of the most worrying conditions of modern times. With all the cheap junk food available at every step it is hard to stay indifferent. But the problem is that with high cholesterol comes a number of potential heart conditions. Take a look at the lifestyle...
Krakow, Poland is an amazing city with a very interesting cultural past. Funnily enough, they now meld their past history and cultural roots with modern ingredients and demands of the locals. If you are looking to travel somewhere with beautiful buildings and awesome restaurants that hide inside them, come to...
Drinking water is one of the most basic necessities for sustaining life. Although we think of it as something that is very mundane on a daily basis, drinking enough water is one of the most crucial things you can do for your body every day. Some people have a...
Nausea is one of the worst gut-wrenching feelings a person can experience. It is an unpleasant sensation of thinking that you want to vomit caused by a number of reasons. Instead of reaching for pills to help you with this, you can first try the foods below. These are...

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