Eat Collagen-Rich Foods to Look and Feel Young

Photo by 90 jiang on Unsplash

Proper skin care should make you look young and vital and slow down the signs of aging. Skincare doesn’t begin with what you put on your skin, but with what you eat. There are some foods rich with collagen that can improve your overall look if you consume them regularly. Keep reading to learn what they are.

Collagen is actually a protein that’s in charge of youthful skin. It exists in our organism naturally, but you can only benefit from taking some more of it. After the age of 25, our body starts to slow down the collagen production and that’s when it needs our help.

Beef Soup and Salmon

Green Veggies and Citrus Fruits

Tomato, Avocado, and Berries

Pumpkin Seeds and Chia Seeds