Simple Tricks For Healthy Eating

The road to a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can be pretty hard and overwhelming and many people fail to see the results from their diet in spite of month-long efforts. Here are a few rules to follow on your path to healthy eating.

Forget about processed foods

Processed foods might be tempting, tasty and easy to prepare, but they’re also a way to obesity and poor health. Forget about chips, canned soups, crackers, pastries, and frozen meals and try replacing them with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eat a variety of protein sources

We often hear how it’s important to eat enough protein, and that’s okay. However, varying protein sources is equally important if you want to supply your body with enough vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. Tofu, beans, chickpeas, spelt, quinoa – these are all great sources of protein to combine for a balanced diet.

Watch Your Ratios

Ideally, anyone striving for a healthier diet should know a perfect food ration – ½ vegetables, ¼ protein, ¼ starch. By following this rule you’ll make sure that your portions are proportionate and your diet is balanced.