How to Pick a Lipstick Based on Skin Color, Lip Shape,...

Lipstick is the first thing that comes to mind when we think about makeup. Lipstick can make you look better in a second, but...

What women miss when they become moms

If you’re a parent, you know that becoming a mom or dad changes your life dramatically. In effect, you start living a different life...

Rihanna Teaches You How to Wear Oversized Clothes

With trends changing on a nearly weekly basis, it's a bit odd to see something resisting and surviving on the fashion scene for years....

Why Coconut Oil is the Only Beauty Product You Need

Do you need a new moisturizer, hair mask, cuticle oil, or lip balm? You can replace them all with only one beauty product! The...

Why You Should Care About Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an amazing vitamin with incredible natural properties including preventing free radicals from wreaking havoc on your body. With the many benefits...

Non-Floral Patterns to Wear This Spring

If you, like Miranda Priesty from The Devil Wears Prada, think there's nothing groundbreaking with floral-patterned clothes in the spring, here's some inspiration for other patterns...

Vegetables You Should be Growing in Spring

Planting certain vegetables in spring will give you a season-long supply of healthy additions to your favorite meals. They add color to your garden...

5 Unique Ways to Decorate With Cork

Cork is one of the strongest materials, which means that you have to use it wisely. It’s a double-edged sword, a design tool that...

The Best Outfits from Coachella 2018

Coachella is happening yet again, and as usual, the attendees are showing the perfect taste for festival style. From denim everything to boho chic,...

Paper Clutter Mistakes You Need to Avoid

When you don’t eliminate paper clutter effectively, you’ll soon find yourself in a sea of unnecessary paperwork.  These are common mistakes you should avoid: Electronic...

Healthy recipes that also taste good

If your aim is to spend as little time as possible at the doctor, then a healthy lifestyle is the only way to go. The...

Decorate with Vintage Ladders

You can re-purpose old wooden ladders in a variety of ways in your home: Use a long ladder as a beam If it’s the right length,...