Here’s How Much Exercise You Need If You Sit All Day

Photo by Mary Eineman on Unsplash

By now, we already know that a sedentary lifestyle comes with many negative effects. From physical to mental health, everything suffers when you spend most of your day sitting, and many modern jobs require just that. We also know that exercising for about an hour, 2-3 times a week, is not enough to erase the bad effects of sitting all day long, but is there an amount of exercise that can make up for that?

According to research published in the British Journal of Medicine, we finally know the sweet spot of daily exercise that your body requires daily if you sit 10 hours. As it seems, 30-40 minutes of mild to vigorous activity is enough to stop linking a sedentary lifestyle with a higher risk of death.

The research included 44,370 participants who were monitored for various number of years—from 4 to 14.5. Over time, researchers concluded that “higher sedentary time is associated with higher mortality in less active individuals,” and “those in the lowest third of [mild-to-vigorous physical activity] had a greater risk of death in all combinations with sedentary time.”

This is just another proof that daily activity is very important for overall health, so make sure to include it no matter how busy you are.