Reasons You Never Stick to Your New Year’s Resolutions

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

December is the time of year when most people are making New Year’s resolutions and planning to make some changes in their life. However, in January, most of us realize that we can’t seem to stick to those resolutions, and here are some reasons why that happens.

Unrealistic Resolutions

Most people set goals that are too unrealistic and end up disappointed when they simply can’t accomplish them. The whole point of making New Year’s resolutions is to make some small improvements in your life and feel good about yourself, so make sure that your resolution are realistic.

No Plan

A detailed plan can help you achieve your goals because it will keep you focused and more accountable. For example, if your goal is to exercise more next year, a fitness diary can help you organize your workouts and track your progress.

Doing It Alone

We all need help sometimes, and there’s no shame in asking for support from family and friends. Other people can help and motivate you to work hard on your resolutions, whether you decided to read a book, lose weight or quit smoking.