A long day at work can have anyone staring at the clock, looking for the motivation to get through the afternoon. Most of us turn to another cup of coffee or a shot of espresso, but these options may provide just a temporary burst of energy and inevitable crash.
Keep your motivation strong way past lunch by indulging in some energy-boosting foods. These are as tasty as they are healthy — and they help to keep fatigue at bay!
Snack On Melon For A Mid-Day Boost
Staying hydrated is imperative to the function of all of your bodily systems. Dehydration can really drain your energy, but eating some melon can help combat grogginess. Watermelon is made up of 90% water, which can make up for any water you aren’t drinking during the day. Keep pushing through the day hydrated and energized with a slice or two of watermelon.
Chia Seeds Provide Some Serious Energy
Chia seeds provide a tasty, crunchy texture to smoothies, pudding, or even toast. These tiny seeds can also provide you with long-lasting energy. These delicious seeds contain enough protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids to keep you full longer. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle a tablespoon or two on your next smoothie bowl or cup of yogurt!
A Handful Of Nuts Is The Perfect Energizing Snack
Everyone knows that nuts provide a good portion of protein and fiber, making them a great way to eat your way to increased energy.
Nuts also serve as a great way to replenish your body after a workout, so don’t hesitate to reach for some almonds, walnuts, or pistachios to help your body get back on track!
Bake Some Sweet Potatoes For Savory, Long-Lasting Energy
Sweet potatoes are known to trump their plain potato counterpart with added potassium and high-fiber carbs. A good serving of potassium keeps you hydrated, lowers your blood pressure, and helps to balance your electrolytes.
Combat fatigue by baking some sweet potatoes for your lunch — you may forgo that afternoon cappuccino without a problem!