
For anyone who still hasn't finished their holiday shopping yet (we're not judging—and truth be told, we think everyone's in the same boat as us), perhaps you're just overwhelmed at the endless varieties of gifts out there on the market. In case you have a wanderlusting friend or family member...
Friendships change over the years; we know that many people will go in and out of our lives over time. There are many reasons friendships end so making one last a lifetime is harder than it sounds. If you manage to do that, you'll be awarded many perks that...
The post-gym hairdo that used to plague ladies in the past is now a cutting-edge fashion trend. The slicked-back look has taken off among several big-name celebrities. The best part? It doesn't take hundreds of dollars worth of product to pull off - all you need is a good workout...
Climate change is a real danger to life on our planet, and scientists have been warning us about this for decades. All around the world, scientists, artists, architects, engineers, inventors and visionaries are proving that we should care about nature more, but the way we organize our lives is...
Spicy food and drinks are especially enjoyable during winter. Some of these spices go great with tea or mulled wine, typical winter beverages that will keep you warm and lift your mood. However, some of the spices can actually help boost your immunity and fight cold, so make sure...
They say you can never have too much of a good thing, and the following list of the top health and wellness trends for the new year are a testament to just that. Have a happier, healthier 2018 with the aid of the following wellness tips, trends, and innovations...
When you invest a lot of time and energy building your dream career, burnout can seem like a normal thing. You work a lot, you get tired a lot. But if you want to keep going for a long time, better learn how to prevent getting too tired and...
How often do you ask yourself if you are truly happy with your life - on a private, professional, emotional level? It's completely normal for all of us to have doubts from time to time and wonder if we're stuck in a circle of work, bills, and trying to...

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