
You never would’ve imagined that dark chocolate and fitness could go together. However, they appear to go pair together quite well. Brothers Ryan and Eric Johnson, the owners of Homage Fitness gyms, claim that dark chocolate could be the key ingredient to a quality workout. The two of them claim...
Spring is the best time to turn over a new leaf and start leading a healthier lifestyle. After a long winter, we need to reactivate our body and boost our energy levels. These are the best foods that will help you rebuild your immune system and prepare for summer....
Do you need a dose of fitness inspiration? There’s no better motivation than to follow #TrainLikeAnAngel hashtag on Instagram and see how Victoria's Secret models work out on a daily basis to stay fit. Take a look at what their workout routine looks like. Georgia Fowler In spite of all the business travels and...
Whenever someone wants to get fit, they immediately turn to running. Although running does have its benefits, it can also be very harmful to your body. It does a lot of damage to your knees, and if you aren't careful you could really hurt yourself. Instead, try these other...
Breathing is something everyone does naturally, but when you focus on it and make it a mindful practice, everything changes. Breathing techniques can help to slow down your sympathetic nervous system, which controls arousal. This can help you in times of stress, but is also something good to practice...
Scientist say that adults need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep every night, but many people still doubt this. If you’re able to function with five hours of sleep per night, it still doesn’t mean your body is not suffering. Sleep deprivation can have some serious consequences to your...
The Best DIY Recipe For Natural Shower Steamers Shower steamers are such a big thing in beauty right now. They are also very helpful for a number of health issues. You can now make your own natural version with several simple ingredients. Ingredients: This recipe for shower steamers requires you to get 3-5 tablespoons water, 1 cup citric acid, 2...
Sapota, or also known as chiku, is a tasty exotic superfruit and the sweetest thing you'll ever try. It is not only popular for its alluring smell or amazing taste, but it is also great for your overall health. These are some of the greatest benefits of this fruit. High...
Being under the weather sucks, but it all can be better with some foods. If you want to try and treat yourself with natural remedies, these are the best foods to eat when sick. Broth Broths contain high levels of vitamins and minerals. It can be chicken, or literally any other...
Moringa is the latest superfood you definitely need in your life. If you've been addicted to matcha, you will also fall in love with this green powder. It's not just a trend that you have to follow, it is actually a very beneficial plant for the whole body. Here...

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