How to Get the Most Out of Your Naps

By the time we reach 3 p.m., we’re already exhausted from the day and sometimes a cup of coffee just doesn’t cut it. We’re always hesitant to nap because we don’t want to wake up more groggy than we were to begin with. Here are some tips on how to nap effectively.

Watch the Time

Try not to nap too late in the day because it can cause you to have difficulty falling asleep at night. Naturally, you’ll start to get tired around seven hours after you wake up, so if you woke up at 6 a.m., you’ll want to nap around 1 p.m.

Nap in Your Bed

Napping in your bed is much more fulfilling than falling asleep on a chair. But, if you don’t have access to your bed, at least keep a pillow and blanket in your car or at work.

Tone Out Distractions

When you sleep at night you turn off the light and turn of any distractions, so why wouldn’t you do the same when you’re napping? Invest in a pair of earplugs and an eye mask.

Set an Alarm

If you nap too long, you’ll wake up feeling exhausted. The best amount of time to nap is either 20 minutes or 90 minutes. At 20 minutes you’ll enter a deep, slow-wave sleep, which will help you feel rejuvenated when you wake up and in a 90-minute nap, you’ll have time to complete a full sleep cycle, which will make you feel refreshed. But, when your alarm goes off, get up right away and don’t hit snooze!