This is Why You Should Start Running This Year

Running is a great physical activity that can help you look great, reduce anxiety, and improve your self-confidence. If you’re still having second thoughts on whether you should start running or not, we have a list of reasons that’ll help you decide.

Here why you should go for a run today.

Stress Relief

There isn’t a better way to relieve stress and anxiety than going for a run a few times a week. Even a quick run will make you feel calm and optimistic and you’ll experience a condition called the “runner’s high.” It’s not a myth!

Physical Health

Running is great for your health – it reduces the risk of cancer, improves the immune system, and is good for your heart. If you want to lose weight, this is a great way to do it.

Mental Health

It’s a known fact that the brain releases chemicals called endorphins when you’re physically active. They have similar effects to morphine, which means they make us feel happy and these effects can last for days.

It’s Free and Anyone Can Join

Running is totally free, so you no longer have an excuse for not exercising regularly. The only thing you need are sneakers and you’re good to go!