Food & Drinks

If you can't or don't want to consume dairy for any reason, homemade soy milk is a great alternative. Soy has been a staple of Asian diets for thousands of years. It's a great plant-based protein source and a perfect ingredient to make dairy-free milk. Of course, you can...
French fries are one of the tastiest snacks on the market, but that doesn’t necessarily make them healthy. If you’re trying to ditch them but aren’t sure how here are some healthier alternatives you should take into consideration. Zucchini Fries Zucchini fries are just as tasty as French fries, and they...
It's so easy to get dehydrated during summer. We sweat a lot and go out more, and may often forget to drink plenty of water, especially when on the go. That's why it's important to pick the foods that nourish and hydrate us, such as the examples we listed...
Do you love cereal so much that you could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? If you want a bit of variety, but still want to enjoy your favorite cereals, you have to try this Cap'n Crunch chicken. It tastes just like fried chicken with a slightly sweet...
Craving some ice cream? You can try making this easy and delicious recipe for fantastic Greek yogurt popsicles that will satisfy your cravings with healthy and refreshing ingredients. These popsicles are a perfect summer dessert that won't leave you feeling guilty for overeating. Here's how to make them—it's super easy,...
Do you love cocktails, but you're trying to stay on your diet? The good news is there are healthier ways to enjoy cocktails that cut down on the sugar and calories while increasing the nutrition in the drinks. Here's how to enjoy cocktails while sticking to your diet. Choose Mixers...
When you decide to start eating healthier and to banish all the junk food from your life, you may find yourself craving it sooner or later. Changing our habits is not easy and if you're trying to do it, don't be too hard on yourself and understand that it's...
Starbucks has some of the best seasonal drinks during the colder, winter months, but sometimes we find ourselves craving a peppermint mocha in June. Don't worry, as these drinks may not be on the menu during the summer, but you can still order them. Walk, don't run to your...
Have you been doing a lot of cooking over the past few weeks? Many recipes call for herbs, but wouldn't it be awesome if you could use fresh herbs you've grown yourself? These five herbs are perfect garnishes for your dishes and you don't need a green thumb to...
Salads are deceiving as we expect them to be super healthy, after all, they're filled with vegetables, but when you start adding store-bought dressings, you're loading your salad with sugars and sweeteners. It's time to try homemade dressings, and these ones are sugar-free and only require three ingredients or...

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