DIY & Crafts

Having a knife block is not only a great statement piece for your kitchen, but it's a really handy way to store and access your good kitchen knives. If you don't want to go out and buy a knife block, you can create a DIY project with things you...
It’s challenging to take care of oily skin. If you have this type of skin, you already know that finding the right products and the right routine is definitely not easy. Some store-bought products that should help you end up being too aggressive and only make your problem worse....
Coconut oil is one of the most useful ingredients you can put on your skin. It helps with hydration, prevents infections, softens the skin, and works against aging signs. Here are the best scrubs you can easily DIY using coconut oil and a few more things from...
Most people think that afro picks are just a type of comb, but in reality, they can be so much more. If you've never needed an afro pick you might not realize how useful they really are, but they're super cheap and easy to get at any drugstore, so...
There always comes a time in a pair of shoes' life when one or both of the shoelaces aren't quite cutting it, and you need to replace them. However, before you toss them, think about all the possible things that can be done with simple shoelaces! By re-purposing old...
Mouthwash is an integral part of your dental hygiene. Mouthwash gets to the places in your mouth that your toothbrush can't, and it helps your breath stay fresh. If you're worried about the stuff you buy at the store, you can make it at home easily! All you need...
A grazing table is an amazing party trend that lets you enjoy your summer parties to the max!‌ A grazing table is essentially a buffet table, but it’s much more convenient. It lets you grab a bite here and there instead of standing in line with a plate and...
Blackheads form when pores on your face get clogged and the only way to prevent them is to scrub and clean your face on a daily basis. Getting rid of blackheads is a long process, but luckily you can make a few homemade masks that’ll hopefully help you do...
Oily hair can be a nuisance especially on those days when you want a good hair day. It can disrupt special events where people might mistake your hair for being shiny instead of oily. To combat oily hair - using the right shampoo for your hair type is imperative....
Skincare is a hot topic and we’re seeing more and more products hitting the stores every day. Still, sometimes the best thing you can do for your skin is whip up a homemade mask using natural ingredients. These are three of our favorite fruit face masks that you can...

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