The Best Times of Day to Drink Caffeine

Drinking Coffee
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Waking up can be hard, so lots of people turn to guide to help boost their mornings. But, many experts say that it’s best to hold off on having caffeine first thing in the morning. So when should you be having your coffee?

Right After Breakfast

When you first wake up, your body gets a boost from the hormone that makes you alert, cortisol. Some scientists think drinking coffee during that boost can create even more cortisol than you need. Or, it can be a waste of caffeine because your body is already waking you up. It’s better to drink after breakfast when you need the boost more. 

After Lunch

People often feel a lull in the afternoon, especially if they eat a big lunch. If you’re at work and need a pick-me-up, this can be a good time to have a cup of Joe. The extra boost may also help with concentration, and a nice warm drink is a lovely way to decompress mid-workday.

Before a Workout

To help get psyched up before a workout, many people drink energy drinks or caffeine-induced protein shakes. These can raise energy levels for a higher-intensity workout. But, you don’t need to worry about fancy fitness drinks—coffee will do the job just fine.