Tag: Running

Staying hydrated while running isn’t an easy task, but it’s extremely important—especially once temperatures start rising. Many runners struggle with this problem, and here’s a couple of steps you should take if you’re one of them. Come Prepared Hydrating before your run is crucial, but you shouldn’t go overboard right before...
Running as an intense workout that can be pretty tough on your body, which is why a healthy diet is extremely important for every runner. It will help you boost your performance, recover after a long run, and reduce the risk of injuries. These are some of the best...
If you love feeling the burn and working out hard then running is one of the highest impact cardio workouts that you can do. With running, you will lose calories and tone up your body. However, running can also put a lot of stress on your body which is...
Running in cold weather can seem like a terrible idea, especially if you're an inexperienced runner looking to start with this activity. Fortunately, there are ways to make it pleasant. These are our best tips. https://www.instagram.com/p/B7V8joAhJRs/ Warm-Up It's necessary to warm up your muscles before you step outside. It's simple: just do...
Running for one or two hours is never easy, and sometimes you need a bit of motivation to help you along the way. A great running playlist can boost your energy and help you get through those difficult moments. Take a look at our list of great motivating songs...
Running is a great physical activity that can help you look great, reduce anxiety, and improve your self-confidence. If you’re still having second thoughts on whether you should start running or not, we have a list of reasons that’ll help you decide. Here why you should go for a...
Whether you need some inspiration to take up running or you want to mentally prepare for your next marathon, these movies are a must-see for every runner. The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young This is probably one of the biggest running movies and a must-see for all runners. The Barkley...
People think that running is free--you only need a good pair of running shoes and you're good to good, right? Well, our running friends would certainly disagree! If you have a friend who runs marathons and you'd like to surprise him or her with a nice gift, we have a...
Getting up early for work doesn’t leave us with much time for a morning exercise routine, but it’s always possible to squeeze it in after you’re done with your job. Since we spend so much of our day in the traffic from the workplace to home, it's important to find...
So you’ve decided to take on the intimidating endeavor of running a marathon, but you have no idea what to expect from this challenge. Following these three steps will make your preparations for a marathon a lot easier, so make sure to continue reading. https://www.instagram.com/p/B11YCDYohS9/ The Right Training Plan Whether you’re an...

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