Tag: Quarantine Tips

For athletes, exercise enthusiasts, and just people who like to stay generally healthy, one of the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic and its associated lockdown has been figuring out how to stay in shape without being able to go to a gym. Jogging, home gyms, and online exercise videos...
With the Coronavirus pandemic keeping people at home more often than not, it’s important to stay active and healthy so that you don’t go stir crazy. Lucky for you, we have some great ideas on how to keep yourselves occupied and at the top of your game! Cook a Meal...
Social distancing is much easier when you’re sharing your home with your family members, partner, or roommates, but not everyone is lucky enough to have some company. Some people are forced to isolate on their own, and here’s how you can provide them with the support they need. Regular Chats Being in quarantine...
Staying positive in the middle of a global pandemic is no easy feat, but there are still many ways you can show kindness – both to people around you and yourself. Share Positive News The world may look really grim right now, but there’s still a lot of love and kindness in the world. Instead of...
A healthy diet is more important than ever right now because it helps you keep your immune system in check, and here’s a couple of ways to improve yours in quarantine. Home-Cooked Meals There’s nothing quite like a home-cooked meal. You now have enough time on your hands to make as many...
With so many people confined at home, everyone’s step count is drastically decreasing, and reaching recommended 10,000 daily steps seems like mission impossible. If you’re struggling to get there, here’s a couple of helpful tips you can use – even if you’re stuck inside your home all day long. Other Activities One of the best...

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