Increase Your Step Count While in Quarantine

Photo by Javier García on Unsplash

With so many people confined at home, everyone’s step count is drastically decreasing, and reaching recommended 10,000 daily steps seems like mission impossible.

If you’re struggling to get there, here’s a couple of helpful tips you can use – even if you’re stuck inside your home all day long.

Other Activities

One of the best ways to increase your step count is walking while you’re completing other tasks. Listening to music, podcasts, and audiobooks, chatting with your friends and family, and scrolling through Instagram are only some of the activities that you can easily do while walking around your room.

Little Breaks

If you work from home, it’s important to take breaks to give your mind and body some time to rest. You can use these breaks to recharge your batteries by doing some light walking around your house.

Getting Out

Don’t limit yourself to simply walking around your room if you have a yard or a garden at home. You can have a nice walk and get some fresh air without getting in contact with people outside your household.