Tag: diet

In the long run, you don't want to have to always be on a diet, you want to know how to train your body to make healthier choices whenever you can. Once you achieve this, the sky is the limit, but it does take some practice. If you need...
For everyone who's still looking for the perfect diet, we have a fresh new trend. The flexitarian diet is ideal for people that are occasionally vegetarian. It is mostly based on plant-derived products, but it also includes meat. This diet advice that you include animal-derived products in moderation. In other...
The low-carb diet is a great way to lose some weight and be much healthier. You might need to give up foods that you love so much but it will be worth it. The whole point is to reduce the intake of carbs and lean on healthy fats and...
The Mediterranean diet has been one of the most hyped about ways of eating in the past few years. The main reason for that is all the benefits that it provides for your overall health. People that live in these areas show significantly lower rates of cardiovascular diseases, depression,...
We all get stressed, period. But did you know that long-term, chronic stress can actually have similar effects on our bodies as a junk food diet? And this have a bigger effect on women. It's no secret that living on high-fat burgers and fries is super bad for us -...
A long day at work can have anyone staring at the clock, looking for the motivation to get through the afternoon. Most of us turn to another cup of coffee or a shot of espresso, but these options may provide just a temporary burst of energy and inevitable crash. Keep...

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