How to Make Your Running Shoes Last Longer

Running shoes
Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

Running shoes can be expensive, but having a good pair is extremely important for every runner. If you’re planning on investing a lot of money in quality running shoes, you’ll probably want to take good care of them and extend their life. Here are a few helpful tips that’ll help you prolong the life of your shoes.

Only Wear Them For Running

Running shoes are made for running, so try not to wear them for your everyday activities such as shopping or gym because this will definitely shorten their life.

Rotate The Shoes

We know that running shoes are pricey, but investing in two pairs of shoes is the easiest way to prolong their life because the shoes will have time to dry after every run.

Avoid the Dryer and Washing Machine

Putting your running shoes in the washing machine and the dryer is the easiest way to clean them, but this can also easily damage your shoes. That’s why it’s best to give them a scrub with a brush and mild detergent.

Keep Them Clean

Running shoes tend to get dirty very easily and are also prone to bacteria, so cleaning them on a regular basis is very important if you want to prolong their life.