Best Ways to Avoid Lower Back Pain While Doing Squats

Photo by Sergio Pedemonte on Unsplash

Many gym enthusiasts swear by squats and can’t imagine a single day without them, but this popular exercise has its downsides. If you have a poor technique, it can lead to major lower back pain, and here’s a couple of steps you can take to avoid it.

Proper Warm-Up

Like any other exercise, squatting requires an effective warm-up. You’re putting your body at risk of injury by skipping this part, so make sure to prime all of the body’s main muscles before starting your workout.

Adding Variety

Squats come in many shapes and forms and not all of them are equally bad for your back. If you’re experiencing lower back pain on a regular basis, try avoiding variations that require you to lift heavy weights, and focus on less-advanced versions that aren’t so hard on your body.

Improving Your Form

Squats are one of the most common exercises out there, but that doesn’t mean that everyone is doing them correctly. They require proper spinal alignment and a high level of ankle mobility, and if you think your technique is lacking, it’s best to work with a personal trainer to correct it.