5 Ways to Be Environmentally Friendly While Exercising

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Whether it’s using metal straws with your to-go orders or carrying reusable bags or water bottles, people are trying to reduce their carbon footprint. But, how can you be more environmentally friendly while working out? Here are five ways to stay in shape while helping the environment.

Make Your Commute Your Workout

1/3 of American pollution is caused by vehicles and the average commute to work is 15 miles each way. You can help reduce pollution by biking to work or combining public transportation with biking or walking.

Walk, Run, or Bike to the Gym

In addition to making your commute your workout, you can also ditch your car and walk, run, or bike to the gym. Most people live close enough that this is possible and you’ll be getting a great warm-up!

Skip the Gym

Give you workout some variety by doing at home fitness videos or exercising in the park. You’ll be able to reconnect with nature and you can get a really amazing bodyweight workout.

Reuse or Reduce

Staying hydrated is important and it’s easier if you carry a reusable water bottle with you. Also, try using as few towels and possible and when you need to wash your clothes, make sure you are running a full load.


Shorter Showers

Be conservative with your water usage at the gym and at home. Also, bringing your own grooming supplies from home can cut down on plastic.