Training for lean muscles

Photo by Charlotte Karlsen on Unsplash

To develop lean muscle mass, it’s important to follow the correct dietary and exercise plans. I’m a personal trainer, and after some years of experience, this is what I recommend:


Lifting weights are one of the greatest ways to build lean muscle, but it has many other benefits. For one, it can help you lose weight, but it can also increase your bone density, something that is particularly important for women.

Weightlifting makes you stronger and faster and helps to strengthen your joints. It complements other forms of exercise that you may be doing and helps increase your running speed.

Running, fast!

Running is my other exercise secret. Running, but especially sprinting, is a great way to build lean muscle. It actually acts as a full-body workout that exercises every part of the body, including the legs, arms, core, and the rest of your lower body.

And the good news is that you don’t need any special equipment apart from a decent pair of shoes. Interval training is one of the fastest ways of getting fit. You can train for both shorter and longer distances, and it’s a good idea to vary your running routine.