Tag: packing

We’ve all been there. It’s minutes before you leave for the airport and you’re sitting on top of your suitcase trying to just squeeze that one last sweater in, even though you know the zipper will never close. You're beginning to accept that you must leave something behind... It’s time...
How to pack lightly
Going on a long trip can be super fun, but one thing that can add stress is packing. It's hard to know what you'll need even a few weeks in advance, and there's no predicting the weather as accurately as you might like. Luckily, there's some strategy to packing...
Packing essentials
When packing for your upcoming vacation, you're thinking about what clothes and shoes to bring. However, these aren't the only things you should bring in your suitcase. We got you covered on what extra items are essential to make your vacation the best one yet. Over-the-Counter Medicine Find a small, empty...
Whether you’re going on an important business trip or you’re planning a romantic beach getaway, one thing is for sure; finding your clothes all wrinkled up in the suitcase can pretty much ruin your vacation plans. Use these useful hacks to prevent keep your clothes wrinkle-free. Pack lightly Try not to...
Traveling to new destinations is super exciting, but there's one thing we dread every vacation—packing. Between overpacking and trying to decide what's essential to bring with us, packing is always a hassle. There are two main ways to pack—rolling or folding. Which one is more efficient? Rolling For the rolling method,...
If you've been planning a trip for some time now but don’t know what bag to take with you, we're here to help. You want it to look good, secure your belongings, and be functional for your trip. The larger ones are great for camping or safari but a...
Traveling is absolutely amazing, except for the part where you need to decide what and how to pack. Packing beauty products can be especially daunting because of TSA regulations. You know the drill - you're only allowed to carry one small, clear plastic bag in which you're supposed to...
Packing can be such a stressful task, especially if you're someone who has a problem minimizing the amount of stuff you bring. Well, the easiest solution is to get yourself a few packing cubes and watch it change the way you pack forever. Although it may not seem like...
Whether you are a veteran traveler or just got bit with the traveling bug, packing your carry on luggage is an art. From the regulations that airport security has to prioritize what should be in your carry on and what goes in your checked luggage, there are a lot of...

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