Tag: food storage

With all the baking you've been doing to occupy your time, you probably have a lot of leftovers that you don't know what to do with. The last thing you want to do is to throw them out or for them to go stale, but where should you store...
This spring is definitely not what we were expecting. The whole world is affected by the coronavirus pandemic and one of the things you need to think about right now is stocking your fridge and pantry with groceries that can last you longer than a few days. You're probably...
Fresh herbs seem to go bad really quickly so we researched the best ways to keep them in our pantry longer. Doing these things will help you get more out of your fresh herbs and prevent food waste, so let's get to work. https://www.instagram.com/p/B9O-eqHpsOk/ Soft or Hard Herbs? Herbs can generally be...
A lot of people never consider the best places to store their foods. We all know that frozen foods go in the freezer, produce goes in the fridge, and non-perishables go in the pantry. But, what if you found out you could store foods longer and stretch your dollar...
When it comes to food storage, you can really produce a lot of waste if you're using disposable items. Instead, go the easy and zero-waste route with these tips! https://www.instagram.com/p/ByN9SThhZ5_/ Beeswax Beeswax is one of the newest products that you can use in order to cover your food securely without...
We tend to keep our fruits and veggies inside the fridge, in hopes they’ll last longer, but this storage hack can be counterproductive. Some of the foods you’re keeping inside actually don’t enjoy the cold temperature – including these five. Tomatoes If you don’t want your tomatoes to lose their rich...
If you are trying to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle, food storage can be a bit difficult. Some people grew up on plastic wrap and aluminum foil, so breaking that habit can seem impossible. Luckily, there are so many ways to keep your food fresh without having to use...

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