Tag: DIY Beauty

Coconut oil is one of the most useful ingredients you can put on your skin. It helps with hydration, prevents infections, softens the skin, and works against aging signs. Here are the best scrubs you can easily DIY using coconut oil and a few more things from...
Oily hair can be a nuisance especially on those days when you want a good hair day. It can disrupt special events where people might mistake your hair for being shiny instead of oily. To combat oily hair - using the right shampoo for your hair type is imperative....
Skincare is a hot topic and we’re seeing more and more products hitting the stores every day. Still, sometimes the best thing you can do for your skin is whip up a homemade mask using natural ingredients. These are three of our favorite fruit face masks that you can...
Bath bombs are becoming quite the rage right now for women and people alike. The colorful swirls released by the balls are enough to make you feel like you're soaking in a painted pool. Bath bombs by Lush are popular since they come in many varieties, colors and uses....
Staying in the sun at the beach sure feels great, but it's easy to overdo it and get burnt. If you need a natural remedy, this DIY sunburn lotion is the best thing ever. Follow the instructions below and thank us later. https://www.instagram.com/p/Byp-S29gKwc/?fbclid=IwAR3tKMp3KRCFjN5b-JcIDrSk520avuYZUQ6N_41nB3hzzpRb8SKnDL5UKhc Ingredients: 1 cup aloe vera1 fresh papaya1/4 cup...
We finally found a gentle natural DIY face cleanser, and we wanted to share it with you. https://www.instagram.com/p/BsVq6PnnHwu/?fbclid=IwAR26b9c62TtLft8WrXpFqMn_jAka1ms4QWff7ViSIbziNAgZAtyML44Itac Ingredients For this DIY face cleanser, you should use: 1 oz vegetable glycerin1 tablespoon honeydistilled water2 oz castile soap5 drops lavender essential oil Always use quality products when making your DIY products, especially when it...
All the gorgeous summer shoes and sandals won't look great on you if your feet look anything but flawless. Luckily, having soft feet is doesn't need to be a painful task. All you need are a few simple home remedies that you can apply at home. Baking Soda Mix baking soda...
Bath bombs are so relaxing after a long day. Things get even better when you add glitter to the experience. You can now prepare this DIY glitter bath bomb with a simple recipe. https://www.instagram.com/p/BuZzKPpAIuX/?fbclid=IwAR0EbJiNDnBhN50qg3DCKpvGIXR1FEoDoFYuSWkul8oR6pC2KIbfITeSv7s Ingredients You will need the following ingredients: 1/2 cup citric acid1 tablespoon water1 cup baking sodaglitter1/2 cup Epsom...
DIY beauty products are always the best! You can whip them in only minutes with ingredients that you have at home. If you've been looking for a natural body scrub, this Margarita-inspired version is a great choice. You will need lime, salt, and of course tequila. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp-zgNGnW4g/?fbclid=IwAR18krU7p8HOpF44lBkzD-liA22Hf7P-z2cMcBmRq9Xz1FQBqSZuy97blfo Ingredients: For this body scrub,...
When your hair looks good, you look good. Healthy, shiny hair is a symbol of health and attractiveness so it's no wonder every woman wants her hair to look as good as possible. When it comes to hair treatments, we like to choose the natural ones whenever we can. Today,...

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