Tag: Body positivitity

If you're struggling to feel comfortable in your own skin and love your body, these podcasts are for you. Learning about body positivity and acceptance is a fantastic way to boost your mood and all-round wellbeing. Check out our top three today! Eat the Rules Hosted by body image coach...
Body-Positivity vs. Body-Neutrality
The body positivity movement has seen tremendous growth internationally in recent years, to the point that a significant number of people know about, understand, and even support it. But more recently, the body neutrality movement has popped up as a potential alternative, adding a bit of confusion into the...
The body positivity movement #normalizenormalbodies is taking the world by storm. Women are learning to embrace their shapes and shun the old ideas of what it means to be beautiful. Many brands, like Aerie, are helping this cause by using more diverse models and not re-touching the pictures. Ashley...
Why do so many of us criticize the way we look on a daily basis? In fact, a majority of people dislike their bodies; market research from Ipsos showed that 83% of American women and 74% of American men are dissatisfied with the way they look. The good news...
We've all heard the terms body positivity, body confidence, self-love, and body-acceptance, but how many of us actually live by these saying? It's so easy to be negative about our appearances and perhaps with New Years just around the corner, we can start treating our bodies with the love...
Who will you be sending a Valentines card to this year? Glamour's Charlie Howard has decided that this year, she will not be sending a love letter to her crush, but to her own body. In a powerful letter, the body positivity columnist addressed her confidence issues and thanks her...

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