Tag: beauty

Floral nail designs have always been very popular, especially in the summertime. However, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t brighten up these rainy fall days with cute flower nails. Here are a few great floral nail designs that are perfect for fall. Milk Bath Nails Milk bath nails, one of the...
We all know that letting your hair air-dry is a much better option than blow-drying it. However, there are still a few things you should know if you want healthy and shiny hair. Here are a few expert tips on how to air-dry your hair like a pro. Rinse With...
Even if you have an extensive skincare routine and buy the best skin care products, there are some things that could be sabotaging your skin. Here are a few bad nighttime habits that could be ruining your skin. Not Changing Your Pillowcases Believe it or not our pillowcases play an important...
Who among us has never experienced a bad hair day? We believe you know exactly what we're talking about, and if your hair has ever gotten frizzy you may have considered getting a keratin treatment. Here's everything you need to know before getting one. Know What You're Getting There are different...
The hair straightener is probably the most useful beauty tool a woman can own but unfortunately, every beauty product has an expiration date—and our straighteners have them too. If you notice any of these signs, you should know it's time to replace your hair straightener. Faulty plates The easiest way to...
Choosing a hairbrush may have not been something you actively thought about, but it's actually among the most important tools in your beauty arsenal. You may invest a lot in your hair but keep breaking it with the wrong hairbrush. Having a great brush will save you a ton...
We hope you haven't neglected podcasts since you're not commuting to work anymore! For all those who work from home, morning is a great time to catch up with podcasts over a cup of coffee before the workday starts, and below are our favorites from the beauty sections. The Beauty...
The best makeup look is one that looks natural, healthy, and beautiful. Achieving a barely-there makeup look is not easy, although it sounds pretty simple, so read on to find some useful hacks on how to achieve that natural glow. Moisturize First Using a moisturizer after washing your face is important...
Do you wish your hair looked as beautiful as those perfect shampoo commercials but in spite of doing everything right, your hair simply doesn’t have that healthy glow? We can easily sabotage our hair without even knowing it, so make sure to avoid these bad habits if you want...
While there is nothing wrong with having grey hair, many young people start feeling bad once they notice the first greys on their heads. Grey hair is seen as a sign of aging and nobody wants to age quickly, but when you got it in your twenties, you shouldn't...

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