How to Quickly Adapt to Working From Home

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

As the world is fighting the coronavirus outbreak, all of us who have a chance to work from home and keep our income can consider ourselves very lucky. If your company got you to switch to working from home, here’s how to quickly adapt to the new work environment.

Choose the Office Spot

It’s important to pick a spot in your home that will be your designated office space. Holding a laptop in your lap on the couch may seem tempting, but it’s not the most productive setting if you actually want to get some work done. You need a proper desk and a chair and, if possible, a place where nobody will interrupt you.

Test the Connections

You want everything to go smoothly, so make sure you have enough power outlets and test your video call connection if you’re going to use it. Make sure that the environment behind you is presentable – sit in front of a blank wall if you can.


This may be a temporary adjustment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the space personal and pretty. Adding some things you love to your workspace will make you happier and more productive, even if it’s just one houseplant or your favorite photo.